Friday, December 19, 2008

A good father . . .

Enjoys being with his children...
Helps his children when in need...
Is careful when his children's wants are not needs...
Rejoices and assists children to be faithful...
Teaches them things dearest to his heart...
Tells stories out of the joy of them listening...
Shows them how to do things...
Likes to sit close and hold them...
LOves to see them be strong in temptation...
Corrects them to spare them pain and disaster...
Will give his life to protect them...
Believes in them and relishes what they can become...
Accepts them fully while being fully aware of their weaknesses...
Can never get over the wonder that they are his children...
Nothing in his life or feelings can diminish his love for them...
Nothing they can do or say can diminish his love for them...
His greatest joy is knowing he is their father...

May you come to realize in Christ God is your good Father...

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